Онцлог шинжүүд:
1.The three dimensional worktable of the pouring head is fully controlled by the PLC programming, which can keep the synchronous speed with the production line in real time.
2. Өндөр нарийвчлалтай хэмжилт: Нэг бүлгийн нарийвчлал нь 5 ‰ хүрэх боломжтой. Удаан эдэлгээтэй өндөр нарийвчлалтай араа мотор ба PLC холбооны давтамжийн хувиргалт хурдыг зохицуулна.
3. After inputting the program to the system controller, the process of mold stripping, release agent spraying and air blowing will be highly intelligent automatic in the assembly line.
4. Large colorful man-machine interface operation platform; PLC program controls every operating unit; temperature and pressure are controlled precisely through high-precision data acquisition module.
5. With medium speed (8600r/min), mechanical sealing and preventing contra-flow design, high-speed spiral mixing head is designed to reduce waste emissions. Mixing system with the cooling water cycle throughout extend the cleaning cycle (> 60 pairs).
The machine is suitable for producing polyurethane foam products, such as various types of polyurethane beach sandals, casual shoes, PU insoles and other foam products.
Үндсэн параметрүүд:
Үгүй | Зүйл | Үзүүлэлт | Үгүй | Зүйл | Үзүүлэлт |
1 | Нийт цутгах хэмжээ (g / s) | 50-150 | 7 | Хутгагч хурд (r / мин) | 8600 |
2 | Боть A-material tank (L) | 3х120 | 8 | Цэвэрлэх цикл | ≤90 pairs |
3 | Боть B-material tank (L) | 120 | 9 | Удирдлагын систем | PLC |
4 | Тоо хэмжих насос | 3 | 10 | Нийт хүч (кВ) | 7.5 |
5 | Боть purge tank (L) | 25 | 11 | Хэмжээ (L * W * H / мм) | 1700×1800×2250 |
6 | Алдаа тоолох (%) | 0.5 | 12 | Жин (кг) | 2000 |